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About Us



Music refreshes and enriches life! This is why music enjoyment of high quality music is so crucial to people’s life. With this rationale in mind, House of Music Group is formed to align all the stakeholders including manufacturer, distributor, dealers, Hi-Fi reviewers and all end customers like family members to ensure that they can have the best music enjoyment through the best playback of music sources from the best audio equipment!


House of Music Group is a new high-end audio distributor but with the prowess and experience in the realm of High Fidelity Sound. All the staff and business partners have over 20 years’ experience in the field of high-end audio, and well understand the needs of audiophiles! With this background, the company is keen to provide reliable and prompt before and after-sales service to the customers.


The company is honourable to be appointed as distributor for renowned Accuphase and Fyne Audio brand products for China, Hong Kong and Macau territories. With substantial confidence in the product quality of Accuphase and Fyne Audio, the company offers three years warranty service for the Accuphase and Fyne Audio products sold by the company through its authorised dealers.


New service dimensions on various aspects of customer service meeting the needs of the audiophiles will be kept introducing in coming days!



音樂能洗滌人的心靈及豐富人的生活! 因此音樂欣賞對人的生活異常重要!音樂世家抱著對音樂欣賞重視的理念而成立的,並希望將各持份者包括製作廠,代理商,經銷商,評論人及終端顧客連結一起像一家人,把最好的音樂透過最好的音響器材演譯出來!




音樂世家近月榮幸獲委為日本Accuphase (金嗓子)及英國Fyne Audio於中國(包括香港及澳門)的總代理,今後將致力推廣產品及為用家提供三年保養維修服務。



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